2803. The Max
题目意思很简单,不说了,第一反应就是先进行排序,还要注意数据的范围是大于int的,所以要用long long。
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Each test case contains a single integer N (1<=N<=100).
The next line contains N integers, meaning the value of V1, V2….Vn.(1<= Vi <=10^8).
The input is terminated by a set starting with N = 0. This set should not be processed..
_msize(a) / sizeof(LL)可以获取动态数组的长度,以后面试的时候被问到数组长度未知,就可以秀了。
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| *严蔚敏数据结构书上的快速排序 */ int Partition(LL* a,int low,int high) { LL pivot = a[low]; while (low < high){ while (low < high&&a[high] > pivot)--high; a[low] = a[high]; while (low < high&&a[low] < pivot)++low; a[high] = a[low]; } a[low] = pivot; return low; } void QSort(LL* a, int low, int high) { if (low < high){ int pivotloc = Partition(a, low, high); QSort(a, low, pivotloc - 1); QSort(a, pivotloc + 1, high); } } void QuickSort(LL* a) { int len = _msize(a) / sizeof(LL); QSort(a, 0, len - 1); } * 自己写的快速排序,其实是按照严蔚敏书上的思路来的,所以代码结构很相似 */ void QuickSort(LL* a,int len) { if (len <= 1) return; LL pivot = a[0]; int le = 0, ri = len - 1; while (le<ri){ while (le < ri&&a[ri] >= pivot){ ri--; } a[le] = a[ri]; while (le < ri&&a[le] <= pivot){ le++; } a[ri] = a[le]; } a[le] = pivot; QuickSort(a, le); QuickSort(a + le + 1, len - le - 1); } * 自己写的堆排,注意每次更新堆之后需要把根节点与换到数组后面去,然后更新的时候就不把它算进来。直至遍历到根节点 */ void Up2Down(int e, LL* a) { int len = a[0]; int le = 2 * e; int ri = 2 * e + 1; int position; if (le > len) return; if (ri > len){ position = le; } else{ position = a[le] > a[ri] ? le : ri; } if (a[position] > a[e]){ LL tmp = a[e]; a[e] = a[position]; a[position] = tmp; Up2Down(position, a); } } void HeapSort(LL* a) { int len = a[0]; for (int i = len / 2; i >= 1; i--){ Up2Down(i, a); } for (int i = len; i > 1; i--){ int tmp = a[1]; a[1] = a[i]; a[i] = tmp; a[0] = i - 1; Up2Down(1, a); } }